Bethesda, MD 20814 | |
53.6 °F |
Few clouds
Arts & Entertainment District
The state of Maryland designated downtown Bethesda as an Arts & Entertainment District effective July 1, 2002. The Bethesda Urban Partnership is the manager of the Bethesda's Arts & Entertainment District. In 2004, the Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District Board was granted 501 (c) (3) status by the IRS. This allows the Board to fundraise, as a not-for-profit organization, and build awareness for new arts & Entertainment projects in downtown Bethesda. Our Mission Statement is: "The Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District Board shall create and implement arts and entertainment projects that contribute to the artistic, cultural and economic growth of downtown Bethesda." Special tax incentives are in place that will benefit artists, arts enterprises and developers that are located within Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District. Benefits: *Artists who live in the state of Maryland and create their artwork in the Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District can receive certain income tax breaks. *Developers who renovate or construct spaces for arts' use can be exempt from paying certain property taxes on the value of the renovations for up to 10 years. *Arts enterprises that charge the Admissions and Amusement tax are exempt from this tax. |
Watch for announcements for exciting, new art projects in Bethesda coming soon! CLICK HERE to see a map of the Arts & Entertainment District boundaries |