
Business, Residents and Government Working for a Better Bethesda
Bethesda Urban Partnership is governed by an 10-member board of directors drawn from the business and residential communities that Bethesda serves. Funding for urban district activities comes from a special tax on properties within the urban district, fees from the parking lot district and charges to "optional method" real estate developers for maintenance services. Sponsorships for Bethesda UP events and activities are also important components of our funding mix.

Executive Committee
Chair: Robert Donohoe, JrThe Donohoe Companies and an Optional Method Developer Representative
Vice Chair: Deborah MichaelsResidential Rep. from Neighborhood in Close Proximity to Urban District
Treasurer: Greg RooneyThe Bernstein Companies, Optional Method Developer Representative
Secretary: Jane FairweatherThe Jane Fairweather Team, Small Business Representative


Board Members
Jack Alexander, AMR Commerical, LLC, Chamber of Commerce Representative 
Andrew JonesBrookfield, Optional Method Developer Representative
Elaine JoostResidential Representative from within the Urban District
Patrick O'NeilLerch, Early & Brewer, The Greater Bethesda Chamber Representative
Samir PaulCitizens Advisory Board Representative
Sarah Wolek, Residential Representative from Planning Area
Kenneth B. HartmanDirector, Bethesda Chevy Chase Regional Services Center (Ex-Officio)


The Bethesda Urban Partnership meets the third Tuesday of every month beginning at 7:45am in the Bethesda Urban Partnership conference room. Meetings are open to the public.